Day four...
Our middle son, Karson.
Oh man, if I wrote all the awesome stories we have about this kid, it would turn into a book!
Karson was by far the most difficult baby (ahem, and toddler, preschooler, kindergartener....) I've ever encountered. He is just now, in fact, getting easy to handle.
He was stubborn, angry, moody, and did I mention stubborn?
Luckily for him, he was the easiest child to deliver. Ha!
Karson is hilarious and makes me laugh on a daily basis.
He's also creative, smart, athletic, and artistic.
Oh, and obviously quite handsome!
As a pre-schooler he wore pink rain boots for an entire year because he wanted to and didn't care one bit that kids (not his peers, mind you, but older kids!) made fun of him for it.
He's currently sporting long hair because he likes it and yet again, doesn't seem to be bothered much by those making fun of him (I'm far more bothered by it than he is!).
Out of the blue he decided he wanted to take piano lessons. I was hesitant to sign him, but eventually did. He absolutely LOVES it and I think he might have a future in it!
I would SO buy that book. I'm incredibly proud of this child and all his quirks. I would also like your readers to know he gets his lithe, trim, muscular body from me. This side of the family has that, you know. Ahem. ...