I am part of an online photography group that takes part in a 365 project.
We try to post one photo per day, every single day of the year.
Each week we have a different theme, so we post one photo each day, for seven days, with that theme. Last week's theme was "Objects that tell something about you."
1. My old Holga camera.
I used this bad boy back in college to shoot medium format film.
Today I use a newer (pink!) Holga, but this one
sits on display with my other vintage cameras.

2. Pop.
Soda. Soda-pop. Coke. Whatever you want to call it!
I generally don't prefer Coke, but I'll drink it if it's what we have!
You'll also notice the multiple empties. I also recycle!
I drink way too much pop!

3. Photos!
I live and breathe photography. I really do.
As much as I love simple and non-cluttered decor, I do have a LOT of photos displayed in my house. I just have too many precious photos of my babies that I do not want to tuck away in albums. I love to look at my photos every day and relive those memories.
I have two photo collage walls in my house.
This one is in our living room and the other is in my bedroom
(and it's just photos of my husband and I...no kids!).

4. Shoes.
I don't thin I even need to explain this one. I love shoes. LOVE them. Pretty ones, in particular. I love heels the most, especially if they are in bold colors or have
intricate details (like this pair with the cutest bow at the ankle!).

5. Wind chimes.
I love the sound of wind chimes and have several (but would love a lot more) in various places around my house. This particular wind chime was a gift from two dear friends of mine. It hangs outside my bedroom window and I love the sound of it. It makes me feel relaxed.

6. Ice cream.
This is the one thing that I can NOT give up.
It's hands down my most favorite treat ever. I also have the sweetest husband who will go out at all hours of the day or night to fetch me my beloved ice cream and then scoop it for me because I hate scooping! I think I ate ice cream every. single. day. with all three of my pregnancies. No joke. It's no surprise my babies were so big!

7. Rain boots.
I live in Oregon. It rains a LOT here. I wear these almost exclusively when I'm on photo shoots and as you can see, I'm not afraid to get dirty. You'll also notice that they're cute rain boots. I mean, if I'm going to make them a big part of my wardrobe, they may as well be cute! My mom bought these for me. She always buys me cute rain boots and I love being surprised with what she picks out! She has great taste and knows me so well that she always does a fabulous job.